I’ve been running group sessions online and in person for a while now. They are evidence-based and I make sure that they are as relevant and engaging as possible.
It can be an amazingly positive experience for those who take part. Just read my reviews below!
Week 1 - Workshop: How to Eat Well for Life
Introduces the concepts and themes of the course, including
Four pillars of health
How to measure health
Week 2 - Coaching Session 1: Goal Setting
Principles of healthy eating
Why and how to set goals
Week 3 - Coaching Session 2: Sleep and Movement
Blood sugar balancing (the Hierarchy of Carbohydrates)
Sleep and Movement - how they are connected to our health and appetite.
Week 4 - Coaching Session 3: Stress
The role of stress and HPA axis
Effect of stress on our appetite
Stress management through nutrition and lifestyle
Week 5 - Coaching Session 4: Habit Change
How to use your goals to form good habits
Psychology of habit change
How to make habits stick
Please contact me for a more detailed session plan.
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